In 2023

students benefit from quality education

teachers trained in our pedagogy

parents of aware schoolchildren
Significant challenges in education and child protection
Approximately 40% of the Guatemalan population is of Maya origin. These communities are often marginalized, and this discrimination is particularly evident in the education system, which does not take their languages and culture into account. As a result, in economically and socially disadvantaged rural areas where many Maya communities live, many children do not speak Spanish, the main language of instruction, which hinders their academic success.
These children are also exposed to high levels of violence, both at home and in schools. Many cases of physical and psychological abuse are reported in educational institutions.
That’s why we are running two projects aimed not only at improving children’s academic success through teaching in the Maya mother tongues, but also at creating a safe and protective educational environment for children, free from violence.
Our impact in the field
We are changing the future of thousands of Maya children. Here are the expected results for the 2021-2024 period:
- Pupils benefit from a quality education in both the Maya language and Spanish, which respects and integrates their culture;
- Teachers are trained in bilingual education and pedagogy that allows each child to participate and make progress, as well as in promoting non-violent behavior;
- School principals and parents are made aware of children’s rights, how to identify forms of violence, and how to protect or assist children who are victims of violence.
Helping Maya Children Learn Better
We train teachers and create bilingual textbooks for schools in the Q’eqchi’ and Kaqchikel Maya linguistic communities as part of our Bilingual and Intercultural Education program.
Learn moreProtecting Children from Violence
We train teachers and parents to recognize warning signs in abused children and teach educators how to reduce violence in schools by fostering harmonious relationships among the children.
Learn moreFlood Emergency in Guatemala
In October-November 2020, hurricanes ETA and IOTA hit Guatemala. The department of Alta Verapaz suffers severe flooding. From January 2021, Enfants du Monde provides food and psychological assistance to 400 families with 1,200 children in 14 communities.
Learn moreLatest news
Contact our team
In Guatemala
Enfants du Monde
12 calle 1-48, Zona 10, Edificio Pivaral, 6to nivel,
Ciudad de Guatemala,
Maria Balaguer, regional coordinator
Phone : + (+502) 42 06 49 54
Email :alat@edm.ch
In Switzerland
Enfants du Monde
Route de Ferney 150, CP 2100
1211 Genève 2, Suisse
Phone : +41 22 798 88 81
Email : info@edm.ch
Simone Arcila, Latine America Programme Manager

My donation makes a difference
I offer a bilingual textbook in Spanish and Mayan to 250 students in Guatemala.
I’m financing 7 educational radio programmes for pupils who can no longer go to school in Guatemala.
I finance continuing professional training in bilingual education for 17 teachers in Guatemala to improve the quality of their lessons.