Commitee - Enfants du monde Commitee - Enfants du monde

The Enfants du Monde committee

Elected by the General Assembly, the Committee is the governing body of the association and is made up of people representing the political, cultural and linguistic diversity of Switzerland. The Committee manages the association in accordance with its purpose. Committee members are volunteers.

Robert Thomson, President

Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health. Scientific specialist, former advisor at institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Jean-François Cuénod, Vice-president

Former employee of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Rosemarie Lausselet, Vice-president

Trainer and former advisor in education and management of development projects for Swiss cooperation.

Jean-Paul Nussbaumer, Treasurer

Doctor of Technical Sciences, EPFL engineer in computer science, currently Sales Director of a multinational technology company.

Vice-President and General Manager, Dell Technologies.

Laurent Guye

Former Swiss Ambassador to Kirghizstan.

Louis Loutan

Doctor specialising in internal medicine, tropical medicine and public health ; Founder of the Tropical and Humanitarian Medicine Department of Geneva University Hospitals.

Jacques Mader

Health professional who has fulfilled a number of roles in Switzerland and abroad. Former co-director of the global health programme of the Development and Cooperation Department.

Verena Szabo

Journalist and producer at Radiotelevisione svizzera/Swiss Radio.

Anne Zwahlen-Jomini

Former Deputy Head of alternate division for West Africa in the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, notably in charge of education and training, and former Gender Programme Officer. She has also been active in the fields of evaluation and strategic steering.

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