This year

regular givers

projects supported

choices of sponsorship themes
Support children in the long term
I choose to make my regular giving on a topic of my choice, the most effective way to help disadvantaged children in the long term.

To support the most important and urgent projects in favour of disadvantaged mothers and children.
I make my regular donation :
- By bank card
- Via LSV (only in French)
- By standing order (only in French)

To offer children and teenagers who have never been to school or who have dropped out too soon the opportunity of going to school, and to train the teaching staff to use an active pedagogy, in Burkina Faso and Guatemala.
I make my regular donation :
- By bank card
- Via LSV (only in French)
- By standing order (only in French)

To allow pregnant women to have access to antenatal consultations and free counselling sessions about pregnancy and giving birth, and to train health workers on mother and child health issues, in Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Nepal and Tanzania.
I make my regular donation :
- By bank card
- Via LSV (only in French)
- By standing order (only in French)
The advantages of my regular giving:
- It allows to plan assistance to disadvantaged children and mothers in the long term
- It reduces administrative costs: more money is available for beneficiaries.
- My regular giving provides with financial resources that are immediately available, so that we can act in the field in emergency situations, without having to approach you every time we need your support.
- It contribute to reinforce Enfants du Monde’s independence, enabling us to act more freely to run our education and health programmes.
- Every year I receive the Annual Report of Enfants du Monde as well as the quarterly magazine Mond’Info, and if I wish, the monthly electronic newsletter.
- I become a member of the association and I have the right to vote at the General Assembly.
Eliane Junod Regular giver, Switzerland
I have been supporting Enfants du Monde for over 20 years. I cannot look after disadvantaged children myself, so I give a little money every month so that Enfants du Monde can look after them in my place. I appreciate this charity and I feel for the cause they support.
I choose my regular giving terms:
- The theme : Education, Health or Priority projects
- As a regular donor, I commit to making a donation every month.
- The amount that pleases me : 120 francs per year or more.
- All donations to Enfants du Monde are tax-deductible. Every year, at the end of February, I receive a certificate for the previous year’s donations, which I can enclose with my tax return.
- I can change or end my financial commitment at any time, simply by calling +41 22 798 88 81, or by emailing at info@edm.ch.

My regular giving makes a difference
I finance the continuous training in maternal and child health of 10 health workers in Bangladesh.
I offer a bilingual textbook to 250 Mayan students in Guatemala to help them progress.
I offer the “My baby and me” application to 558 pregnant women in Burkina Faso to monitor their pregnancy and know the danger signs.