NGO for health - Enfants du Monde NGO for health - Enfants du Monde

Our actions for the health of women and babies

Enfants au centre de santé à El Salvador @Slawomir Plata

In 2023


pregnant women and babies received advice and follow-up care


healthcare staff trained in better patient care


countries : Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Nepal, Tanzania

Save lives through prevention and healthcare workers’ training

Every day, around 830 women across the world die as a result of complications in pregnancy or childbirth, that could easily be avoided in many cases. In Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Nepal and Tanzania, we reinforce the healthcare workers’ and the local populations’ knowledge, in order to durably improve the health of mothers and babies.

Prevention is better than cure

In the countries where we work, in particular in rural areas, pregnant women are badly informed about health risks and are often not monitored in an appropriate way during their pregnancy. If complications are not detected in time, the mothers’ lives and those of their babies can be put at risk. To fight against the main death causes for women and babies during pregnancy and delivery, we conduct health education actions and actively involve families and local communities.

Similarly, we raise awareness amongst teenage boys and girls about sexual health, in order to prevent early pregnancies, and we inform schoolchildren and their parents about a healthy diet, to fight against chronic malnutrition.



Improve access to healthcare

In Burkina Faso, a lot of children have the nickname «born en route» because their mother did not manage to get to the health centre in time and gave birth on the way. In rural areas, the health centres are far away and difficult to access because of long distances, poor road conditions, lack of transportation or its high cost.

We run round table discussions with the local population and health workers in order to find solutions, and make sure these can be implemented by supplying financial support. For example, we support communities in building maternity waiting homes for pregnant women near health centres, or in repairing damaged roads.

Train to improve the quality of healthcare

We offer a range of training courses aimed at local healthcare workers, regional or even transnational healthcare executives.

The aim is to take better care of mothers and babies, improve the dialogue between the midwives and the families and increase the respect for women and children during healthcare.

We adapt our training and its mode (in presence, online, …) to the population’s needs and to the context of the countries in which we work. To obtain lasting results, these training courses are set up in collaboration with universities, NGOs and the Health Ministries of the countries involved, as well as with international organisations such as the World Health Organisation.

What makes us different
  • We make populations more autonomous by giving pregnant women the keys to understand the risks for their health and make enlightened decisions
  • Our projects are designed to last after we leave: we work in close collaboration with the civil society and the national health authorities, and we encourage the active participation of local communities
  • Our projects have a wide impact: by training both regional and local staff trainers and health ministry executives on a national level, we transform practices in the field of health on a large scale
  • Our approach, which promotes the active involvement of the population, is integrated by governments in their national health policies.

Nazia, 18 years old, Bangladesh

I have learnt to identify the signs of danger that I have to look out for during my pregnancy. I have also received information about delivery and emergencies (connected with giving birth).

Our areas of expertise

Health education

Regarding the health of mothers, newborns, children, sexual and reproduction health, the child’s cognitive development or malnutrition, our health education activities allow us to inform the populations so that they can remain in good health and make enlightened decisions on their health.

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Healthcare training

We offer different training courses to local health workers and to health administrative staff, in order to take better care of pregnant women, young mothers and babies, thus improving the patients’ satisfaction regarding the medical care received.

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Involvement of local populations

To identify priorities on a local level, Enfants du Monde uses the community participating diagnosis, which brings together all the people of the health sector and the communities.

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Influence on national policies

Enfants du Monde collaborates with governments and NGOs to integrate our recommendations in the long run in the national health policies and strategies.

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During the COVID19 crisis, we carried out several information actions for the local populations as well as health worker training, in order for them to protect themselves. We also distributed protection materials.

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Enfants du Monde

My donation makes a difference

For example:

With 60 francs:

I pay for a kit about nutrition for 6 teachers in Madagascar, so that they can use the activities in class with their pupils.

With 100 francs:

I allow 175 pregnant women in Bangladesh to be informed about their pregnancy and made aware of the dangers for newborns.

Witch 150 francs:

I allow a nurse in Nepal to get ongoing training, so that she can give pregnant women and their babies respectful care.

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