Since 2017, together with the Burkino Faso Ministry of National Education and our local partners, we have been training teachers and creating teaching materials to facilitate student learning in bilingual (local language and national language) public schools. In July 2024, Bernard Schneuwly, professor at the University of Geneva, studied the impact of our teaching materials on the quality teaching.
A Mixed Methodology
In order to conduct his evaluation, Bernard Schneuwly sent a questionnaire to 151 teachers. The questions were numerous: teachers were able to give their opinions on the functioning of the educational materials, on the frequency of the use of tools/materials available, on the improvement proposals…
Even more, 2 lessons in two schools in Burkina Faso were analyzed, showing particular attention to class structure.
Well appreciated teaching material
The questionnaire highlights that the material provided is well integrated in daily teaching. The teachers know how to adapt activities for their students. 70% say they are using the manual many times per week and 23% many times a month.
The teaching material covers 3 main themes: languages, mathematics, and natural and social sciences.
The teachers are very satisfied with the activities on languages. The feedback on mathematics and the other sciences is more mixed. In particular, we note that sessions dealing with everyday reality (water, malaria, food) are easier to teach than more cultural, religious, or ideological content.
Further training needed
Teachers are generally very positive about the usefulness of the teaching materials and regularly use Enfant du Monde’s manuals and activities. The teachers would like more training on the proper use of these tools and are for example interested in having more activity preparation sheets or practice exercises.
90% of teachers consider the contribution of these tools to be important for students’ learning.

My donation makes a difference
With 100 francs : You can give 14 children in Burkina Faso a bilingual textbook in French and Mooré to help them progress