Education mandate for out-of-school young people
Between 2019 and 2022

young people aged 9 to 14 were given an education tailored to their needs

teachers were trained

alternative education centres for adolescents have been opened in the Dosso and Maradi regions
The challenges of education in Niger
In Niger, a very high number of young people have not attended school or had to leave early. This was due to population displacements as a result of various armed conflicts, as well as the unsuitability of State education programmes to meet the requirements of children or to address the concerns of populations.
For most children, starting or returning to school is impossible. In State schools, lessons are given in French, the official language, which is not understood by the majority of children whose mother tongue is one of the eleven local languages in Niger. So young people fail in school and have to leave without having acquired basic knowledge.
Offering an alternative education to out-of-school young people to enable them to return to school or vocational training
In order to improve the situation, the State of Niger has developed Community Centres for Alternative Education for Young People (CCEAJ). Enfants du Monde works in these centres in the Dosso and Maradi regions, on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, in collaboration with the NGO Swisscontact.
The aim of this mandate is, on the one hand, to adapt teaching to the linguistic and local context in order to facilitate the reintegration of pupils into school or the workplace and, on the other hand, to build the capacity of the teaching staff in order to improve the quality of education in the long term.

Abdoul Aziz, 23 years old, was trained at the CCEAJ in Tibiri, then directed to the Centre de Formation des Métiers. After 2 years’ training in metal construction, he now earns his living.
Focusing on occupations at the CCEAJ inspired me to do vocational training. I couldn’t see the point of the lessons at primary school.
Contact our team
In Switzerland
Enfants du Monde
Rue de Varembé 1
1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 798 88 81
Email: info@edm.ch
Sébastien Blat, Sahel Program Manager

My donation makes a difference
I provide bilingual school manuals in French and Mooré (the local language) for 10 children in Burkina Faso, enabling them to make better progress at school.
I fund a continuing education training in bilingual education for 17 teachers in Guatemala, to improve the quality of their lessons.
I am funding in-service training in bilingual education for 10 teachers in Guatemala to improve the quality of their lessons.