Improving the health of mothers in Nepal - Enfants du Monde Improving the health of mothers in Nepal - Enfants du Monde
Improving the health of mothers, newborns, and teenagers in Nepal

Since 2022, in Lumbini province, Enfants du Monde and Green Tara Nepal have been cooperating to boost the health of disadvantaged pregnant women, new mothers and their newborns. The two NGOs are now reviewing the possibility of expanding their collaboration to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents.

High ended maternal health services

The project, which is currently led by Green Tara Nepal and supported by Enfants du Monde helps improve the quality of maternal and neonatal care while raising women’s awareness on the importance of care before and after birth. It has already helped strengthen existing health services and the aim is now to extend it to as many health centers as possible in three districts of Lumbini province.

Ram Chandra Silwal, National Director of Green Tara Nepal

The project raises awareness in communities and supports health facilities to provide respectful maternal and neonatal care. Women are therefore more motivated to come and consult health centers, which improves their health.

Sexual education for teenagers

In Nepal, teenagers lack essential information on sexual and reproductive health. Young girls sometimes experience discrimination during their periods, while unwanted pregnancies, early marriage and sexual violence remain major concerns. Our goal is to provide quality information and services to improve the well-being and sexual and reproductive health of young people.

Constanze Bunzemeier, Nepal Program Manager

During my visit to Nepal in September, I had the opportunity to speak with the National Health Training Center (NHTC) and local organizations to explore new funding and partnership opportunities. I hope that these discussions will soon allow us to put in place a broader program to improve the health of mothers and newborns in Nepal. I am also looking forward to seeing if we can launch the sex education program for teenagers.

My donation makes a difference

For example:

With 70 francs:

I am financing the continuous training of a volunteer health worker in Nepal to enable her to raise awareness among pregnant women and their families.

With 100 francs:

I help provide medical equipment to a health center in Nepal to provide quality care to pregnant women and their newborns.

With 140 francs:

I offer continuous education for a nurse in Nepal to enable them to provide respectful care to pregnant women and their newborns.
