Every day, more than 800 women die across the world due to complications from pregnancy and childbirth, deaths that for the most part are easily preventable.

Every day, more than 800 women* die across the world due to complications from pregnancy and childbirth, deaths that for the most part are easily preventable.

These deaths are often due to lack of information in communities about the habits needed to stay healthy, difficulties to access health care, and the systematic lack of use of health services when needed.

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Raising awareness and informing women

Enfants du Monde organises educational sessions about maternal health in villages and homes for pregnant women and their families.

I notice that more and more people are attending our sessions. I touch on many subjects, such as the importance of doing the recommended amount of prenatal checkups or of saving enough money for childbirth and the arrival of the baby.

Barsha, a health worker in Bangladesh

We distribute information in the local language, illustrated with pictograms so that all women, even the ones who cannot read, can understand, about the danger signs during pregnancy and about the preventive measures to protect themselves and their baby from COVID-19.

Remise flyers COVID19 Salvador Panchimalco 2Remise flyers COVID19 Salvador Panchimalco 7

Training health workers

We help improve the quality of health care thanks to a better continued education of maternal and newborn health workers.

Providing access to care services

In many countries, access to health services is limited not only by distance, but also by the bad state of roads, the fact that they might become unusable during rain season, and the high costs of transportation. To counter this, we have built houses for pregnant women in El Salvador and Burkina Faso: located next to a health centre, pregnant women who live too far from the centre spend about ten days before giving birth.

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*Information source: Maternal mortality, WHO