Education in an emergency situation
In 2023

children affected by the conflict were able to attend school.

teachers have been trained in our teaching methods.

schools were supported.
Ensuring the right to education despite armed conflict
Since 2016, Burkina Faso has been plagued by armed groups attacks across the country, resulting in massive population displacement. This instability has also led to a political crisis, a coup in 2022, and inflation of 13.5%. By mid-2022, close to 2 million people were displaced, more than 4.000 schools were closed, affecting more than 700.000 students. For many children, school is not only a place of learning, but also a safe place. During crisis, the risk of violence against children is even higher.
We coordinate education programmes in emergency situations in several regions of the country, on behalf of different organizations such as the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation or the European Union, in order to send to school and protect displaced children affected by the security crisis in Burkina Faso.

Schooling displaced children
Schooling displaced children following the attacks on their villages, as well as deprived children from host communities in the regions of Boucle du Mouhoun, North-Central and East: on behalf of the global fund Education Cannot Wait, we are leading a Support Programme for Continuous and inclusive quality Education for the children affected by the security crisis (PAEC).
Learn moreImproving the access to education and to drinking water
Improving the access to education and to drinking water: this project to Support a Multisectoral and Integrated Response to the needs of affected populations of the Eastern region (PARMI-East) was developed from July 2022 to June 2023 in a region affected by security and economic crisis.
Learn moreHumanitartian aid for displaced populations
The security crisis in Burkina Faso has caused a significant increase in humanitarian needs, affecting around 4.7 million people, i.e., one in 5 Burkinabè. Facing these pressing challenges, Enfants du Monde has been mandated to Support a Multisectoral and Integrated Response to the needs of affected populations in the North-Central region (PARMI-North-Central) in order to improve the situation through a global approach.
Learn moreStrenghtening the Education and Emergency Response System
In order to send to school and protect the children in the Hauts-Bassins Region in the west of the country, in response to major educational challenges, exacerbated by the security crisis in the country, we are leading a programme of Strengthening the Education and Emergency Response System in the Hauts-Bassins region (PRSERU-HB) in the west of the country.
Learn moreEnabling displaced children to continue attending school
On behalf of the global fund Education Cannot Wait, and with the project of Support to the National Education System Resilience (PARSE), we are ensuring that vulnerable 3 to 17 years old children or in emergency situations following the attacks of their villages have access to an education format that guarantees quality continuous education in the East-Centre region of Burkina Faso.
Learn more

My donation makes a difference
I offer 14 Burkina Faso children a bilingual schoolbook in French and Mooré, which will enable them to better progress.