Improving the national education system in a sustainable way
In 2023

pupils benefited from quality education

teachers and trainers received training

pieces of teaching material were distributed
With an adult literacy rate of 32%, reading and writing difficulties, or illiteracy, remain a major phenomenon still affecting the most disadvantaged populations.
For over 10 years, we have been sustainably improving the country’s national education system, on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
Challenges to education
Chad is a multilingual country with over 150 national languages. Schools teach courses in the official languages, French or classical Arabic, which many children do not master.
As a result, more than half of them drop out of school during the first 6 years, and only 1 child out of 5 knows how to read or write after primary school.
Our impact
- Student results in languages and maths are up to twice as good as in traditional schools;
- Courses are taught in two languages– in the official language and in the local one;
- Course content is customized to the local population’s needs and interests. For instance, two tales («Papa Vaya» and «The hyena, the monkey and the hare») were adapted and illustrated in French and Arabic to enable students to learn to write in both languages ;
- We offer vocational training tailored to the local market, for instance, in livestock farming;
- We build fully equipped schools, as well as toilets and watering points
- Pilot schools were opened in nomadic areas.
Contact our team

Souleymane Ouedraogo
Country Director
Chad Coordination Office
Phone: +235 65 28 82 02
Email: bureauedmtchad@edm.ch

Rufine Samma Yeko
Head of Innovation and Strategic Partnerships
Chad Coordination Office
Phone: +235 65 28 82 02
Email: bureauedmtchad@edm.ch
Pictures of the project

My donation makes a difference
I offer 8 Burkina Faso children a bilingual schoolbook in French and Mooré, which will enable them to better progress.
I offer ongoing training in bilingual teaching to 5 teachers in Burkina Faso, in order to improve the quality of their teaching.