Creation of teaching materials - Enfants du Monde Creation of teaching materials - Enfants du Monde

Creation of teaching materials

Learn more easily…

…thanks to material adapted to local cultures and languages.

Enfants du Monde supports national training teams in the design of teaching materials adapted to the needs and realities of local populations, in line with the school curriculum and in addition to existing materials:

  • Training modules for trainers and teachers;
  • Multilingual teaching sequences and teacher guides;
  • Multilingual textbooks and storybooks for pupils.
What makes us different
  • Our specialists’ in-depth expertise
  • Multilingual teaching materials co-developed by Enfants du Monde and our local partners
  • Educational content rooted in local culture and realities to encourage pupil participation, for example with natural science lessons on malaria
  • Valorisation of the mother tongues spoken by the children to facilitate their learning, for example by collecting local stories to create multilingual Mooré-French or Q’eqchi’-Spanish-English reading books

Lucie Belengar from the Directorate of Literacy and Promotion of National Languages at the Ministry of National Education and Civic Promotion in Chad

Thanks to Enfants du Monde’s quality approach, the student feels confident with his textbook, because the objects shown and the images come from his own background and country.

In practice in the countries

Burkina Faso

Our NGO designs and makes available manuals for pupils and guides for teachers, incorporating aspects to promote sustainable development and children’s rights, a culture of peace and gender equality.

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We are working with our local partner Ciprevica and the Guatemalan Ministry of Education to produce manuals for pupils, story books and teachers’ guides.

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One of Enfants du Monde’s major contributions is to support national training teams in the design of teaching materials adapted to the needs and realities of local populations, using everyday themes such as malaria, female circumcision, access to drinking water, agricultural production, animal husbandry, etc.

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In Switzerland, we are developing guides for teachers on children’s rights.

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My donation makes a difference

For example :

With 100 francs

I am donating a bilingual textbook in French and Mooré to 14 children in Burkina Faso to help them progress.

With 130 francs

I am financing a bilingual textbook in Spanish and in Mooré for 433 pupils in Guatemala.

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At the moment, the newsletter is only available in German or French.