Mobile Applications - Enfants du monde Mobile Applications - Enfants du monde

E-health: mobile app

© Enfants du Monde – Ouedraogo E.
Inform the families to fight against maternal, newborn and child mortality

In many of the countries we operate in, maternal, newborn and child mortality rates are very high: These very worrying rates can be explained by a difficult access to health services, bad quality healthcare, lack of information provided to women regarding risks connected to pregnancy, and insufficient support towards parenthood.

Enfants du Monde has developed the free mobile applications «My Baby and I» and «My Child is Growing Up», aimed at informing pregnant women and young mothers. «My baby and me» is currently available for Burkina Faso and Latin America, while «My child is growing up» is available for Burkina Faso.

Technology in support of women’s and children’s health

The mobile applications « My Baby and me » and « My Child is Growing Up » offer precious support to families, allowing them to access essential information to improve the health of pregnant women, of their babies and of their young children.

« My Baby and me » is dedicated to mothers-to-be and young mothers. It provides them with reliable information about pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. Over 23,000 pregnant women, young mothers and their families in Burkina Faso downloaded the application in 2021. The application is currently being adapted for Madagascar.

« My Child is Growing Up », launched in 2024 in Burkina Faso, supports families with children aged 0 to 5. It deals with crucial topics such as nutrition, development, accident prevention, first aid, malaria prevention, and many other essential themes.

These projects arise from a collaboration between the Burkina Faso Health Ministry, Enfants du Monde, IPC-BF, Terre Innovative Healthcare, Incub@UO, and the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, as well as, for « My Baby and I » the support of the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève.

Applications adapted to local culture

« My Baby and me » and « My Child is Growing Up » have been designed in such a way as to consider the countries’ cultural and social specificities, in accordance with local traditions and in compliance with the sanitary recommendations in force in those countries.

The information is available as audio material in the local languages, and illustrated by images that are suitable for each country’s sociocultural environment.

The applications can be used without an Internet connection, once they have been downloaded: the women who live in remote areas download them when they visit the health centre, for instance, and can then go through them at home with their families, even without an Internet connection. The applications are available on Google Play Store. They do not collect any personal data.

The advantages Women have easy access to information regarding :

Advantages of the application « My Baby and me »

  • Detailed explanations about the physical changes to expect during pregnancy and the postnatal period, including little inconveniences.
  • Advice on healthy behaviour to preserve the mother’s and the newborn’s health.
  • Logistic, physical and psychological preparation to giving birth, considering possible complications.
  • Automatic notifications to remind the mother of prenatal and postnatal care check-ups.
  • Emphasis on the partner’s and on the family’s role in supporting the pregnant woman.
  • Useful for health providers monitoring the woman during her pregnancy and birth preparation.
Download the My Baby and me application

Advantages of the application «My Child is Growing Up»

  • Practical advice to support the development, nutrition and health of children aged 0 to 5.
  • Routine medical monitoring, advice for emergency care and prevention of common diseases such as malaria.
  • Raises awareness of the behaviours which are most favourable to children’s optimal development and wellness.
  • Emphasis on the father’s and family’s role in supporting the mother, as far as childminding is concerned.
  • Useful for health providers supporting parenthood and child health education.
Download the My child is growing application
  • Connections with the health centres, in order to send personalized messages about potential risks or doctor’s appointments.
  • Creation of interactive forums, in order to offer spaces where users can ask questions and receive reliable answers by qualified health workers.
  • Adding of new topics, in order to integrate new components like family planning or information regarding new epidemics.
  • Adaptation to specific groups, in order to customize the applications to meet couples’, pregnant women’s or young parents’ needs.
Ouedraogo B. Emmanuel

My donation makes a difference

For example:

With 70 francs

I’m giving a booklet on childbirth and emergency preparedness to 250 pregnant women and young mothers in Burkina Faso.

With 100 francs

I’m giving 250 women in Burkina Faso the Mon bébé et moi (My baby and me) application to track their pregnancies and identify danger signs for themselves and their babies.

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