Strenghtening the Education and Emergency Response System
From 2023 to 2027

34 100
children from 6 to 17 years old have been supported by the project

months to support the Hauts-Bassins region
Burkina Faso is facing major educational challenges, exacerbated by the security crisis that hits the country since 2016. Rates of access to education have been constantly decreasing over the past two years, particularly due to the closure of schools in the regions most affected by armed groups attacks. In this context, Enfants du Monde, mandated by the European Union and co-financed by the SDC, is launching a new project on Education in Emergencies in order to educate and protect children in the Hauts-Bassins region in the west of the country.
This project on Strengthening the Education and Emergency Response System in the Hauts-Bassins Region has a duration of four years (October 2023- September 2027) and aims to help 34.100 children from 6 to 17 years old, from primary to secondary school.
It is key to raise awareness among teachers about the way to respond to emergencies, such as the arrival of armed groups or shootings, in order to ensure the safety of students and teaching staff, while keeping an environment that favours learning.
Our impact Project content
- Construction of additional classrooms to relieve congestion in the existing schools;
- Setting up temporary classrooms in areas affected by internal displacement of students;
- Continuing education for instructors of alternative education centres;
- Training on school safety, psychosocial support and identification of children in psychosocial distress;
- Provision of textbooks for students and teachers;
- Caring for out-of-school children in accelerated education centres to enable them to join a professional training;
- Remedial courses and specific supervision for a refresher course for students with difficulties;
- Information campaign to encourage children to go back to school;
- Mobilizing the population to play an active role in monitoring education and resources allocated to it;
- Distribution of recreational kits to bring joy to children.
Simané Ouoba Regional Programme Officer for Education in Emergencies and Protection, Enfants du Monde, Burkina Faso
In the Hauts-Bassins region, the educational situation had already been difficult for a while now, but the security crisis has made it worse. By the end of March 2023, we had 318 schools closed, depriving 58.028 students from education.
Contact our team
Enfants du Monde
Coordination Office in Sahelian Africa
01 BP 1793 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso
Tougma Téné Sankara
Tel.: +226 25 36 08 46
Email: edmsahel@fasonet.bf