Schooling displaced children
In 2022

20 246
children affected by the conflict have received support

teachers have been trained in our teaching methods

schools were supported
Currently, this project is finished.
On behalf of the Education Cannot Wait global fund, we have carried out a Continuing Education Support Programme and inclusive for children affected by the security crisis (Programme d’Appui à une Éducation Continue et inclusive de qualité des enfants affectés par la crise sécuritaire to school children displaced by attacks on their villages, as well as destitute children from host communities in the Boucle du Mouhoun, North Central and East regions.
Schooling displaced children
Our teams in Switzerland and in the field are working to improve access, maintenance and continuity of education, in a safe and protective environment, for displaced school-age children (aged 3-17), refugees and those from vulnerable host families.
Enfants du Monde also supports the Ministry of Education in designing and distributing tools for peace and citizenship education.

Our impact
- Construction and installation of temporary learning spaces and relocatable classrooms ;
- Opening and running alternative education centres and vocational training centres for children and young people ;
- Teacher training ;
- Distribution of school supplies (school bags, exercise books and textbooks) ;
- Distribution of protective masks, hand-washing kits with soap and hydro-alcoholic gel ;
- Distribution of bicycles to vulnerable students living far from schools ;
- Distribution of lighting equipment for home revision sessions for vulnerable girls ;
- Distribution of hygiene kits for girls ;
- Scholarships awarded to vulnerable girls.
Protecting children
We train parents’ associations so that families are better able to identify risk situations for their children and protect them by making school environments safer.
Pupil 10 years old, Burkina Faso
I was very scared in my village and I was sad not to be able to go to school. Now I’m happy to be in class and I’m not scared anymore.
Contact our team
Enfants du Monde
Bureau de coordination en Afrique sahélienne
01 BP 1793 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso
Tougma Téné Sankara
Tél. +226 25 36 08 46
Email : edmsahel@fasonet.bf