Every year

Donors and regular donors in 2023

Collection initiatives

Business support
I decided to support Enfants du Monde
You would like to help mothers and children from disadvantaged countries and you are impressed by Enfants du Monde’s education and health projects?
You can help our NGO by making a one-time donation or by making a long-term commitment through project sponsorship. By becoming a sponsor, you agree to make a regular donation to Enfants du Monde (for example monthly) and thus contribute to providing disadvantaged children with quality education and better access to healthcare for many pregnant women and mothers.
It is also possible to extend your commitment to the health and education of children beyond your lifetime by putting Enfants du Monde in your will.
I become a regular donor
Read moreI am a solidarity company
As a company, you can support Enfants du Monde by helping finance our projects or by involving your employees in an event that is both teambuilding and meaningful, for the benefit of our NGO.
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I organize a personal collection
If you want to personally collect funds for Enfants du Monde from those around you or through an event you are organizing, do not hesitate to contact us to create your fundraiser!
Make legacy or write my will
You may not have thought about it yet, but the heritage you have today could have an impact tomorrow. After thinking about your family and loved ones, you can bequeath part of your estate to Enfants du Monde or designate our NGO as heir when writing your will.
Read moreVolunteer
If you want to get involved differently and have free time for the advantage of Enfants du Monde, we suggest that you become a volunteer at our headquarters in Geneva. Our team will entrust you with tasks in accordance with your skills and expectations.
Read moreBecome a member
Do you share our vision and want to contribute to our mission? Join us and support our humanitarian work by becoming a member of our association!
Read moreThe work carried out by Enfants du Monde, although unavoidably limited, has always satisfied us as being perfectly targeted and efficient. All projects are designed to allow local partners to become autonomous, a philosophy which perfectly matches our expectations.

My donation makes a difference
I provide bilingual school manuals in French and Mooré (the local language) for 10 children in Burkina Faso, enabling them to make better progress at school.
I enable 28 pregnant women from Bangladesh and their husbands to participate in a maternal health education session and prepare for childbirth.
I fund a continuing education training in bilingual education for 17 teachers in Guatemala, to improve the quality of their lessons.