Emergency in Burkina Faso - Education - Enfants du Monde Emergency in Burkina Faso - Education - Enfants du Monde
International Education Day: emergency in Burkina Faso

Armed groups attacks and mass population displacements including thousands of children, has been the daily lives of families in Burkina Faso since 2016. On International Education Day, 24 January, let’s focus on this tragic situation and the projects we are carrying out in the country to ensure that children have access to a better future.

10 years old displaced with his family, Burkina Faso

The school of my village closed because of the attacks. In this school I am happy to be in class and I am not scared anymore.

Cover essential needs for a comprehensive humanitarian action

In the north-central regions of the country, humanitarian needs are critical. Water, hygiene, food, health, protection… displaced people need support and concrete action. Many schools have shut down and children are unable to pursue their schooling.

To address these emergencies, we are running a project to provide access to water and hygiene, while promoting access to education for pupils despite the crisis.

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Keeping the most vulnerable in school

In villages affected by armed groups’ attacks in central-eastern Burkina Faso, we are making sure that children can continue to go to school. By training teachers, adapting curricula to needs and setting up educational facilities (often improvised outdoor classrooms), vulnerable students receive a quality education in a safe environment.

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Learning in a safe place

The security crisis in Burkina Faso requires special attention to be devoted to safety in schools. That’s why we are training educational staff on safety measures, but also on how to identify children experiencing psychological distress.

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My donation makes a difference

For example:

With 100 francs,

You can give 7 children in Burkina Faso a bilingual textbook in French and Mooré to help them progress

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