You will find the most frequently asked questions here.
If you can’t find the answer to your question or if you prefer to contact us by email, please use the following form. We’ll be happy to answer your query.
Where to find us?
To get to our office, please use the address Rue de Varembé 1, 1202 Geneva.

My donation makes a difference:
With 70 francs:
I am donating a bilingual textbook in French and Mooré (the local language) to 8 children in Burkina Faso to help them make better progress at school.
With 140 francs:
I am helping 250 pregnant women in Bangladesh to prepare for the birth of their baby and the risks associated with childbirth.
With 200 francs:
I am funding in-service training in bilingual education for 10 teachers in Guatemala to improve the quality of their lessons.