Involvement of local populations - Enfants du Monde Involvement of local populations - Enfants du Monde

Involvement of communities

Enfants du Monde

Understand the needs of individuals in relation to their own health

In order to identify the health needs in the countries where we operate, we consult with the local communities and the health workers. This approach allows us to implement more relevant solutions for the community, which can be involved itself in the process and provide its own opinion.

What makes us different

We encourage local communities’ participation: round tables, which allow to identify obstacles to health and to find solutions integrated into the action plans of the health centres; participation in the general assemblies of the health facilities in order to improve the quality of the health care.

Women, husbands, traditional medicine agents and community leaders commit themselves to carry out certain actions to improve the access to health care: for example, the construction of a waiting home, nearby health centres; so the pregnant women who live far can stay there before the birth.

Rakib Ahsan/Enfants du Monde

My donation makes a difference

For example:

With 60 francs:

You can fund a nutrition kit for 6 teachers in Madagascar so they can put in place activities in class with their students.

With 100 francs:

I enable 175 pregnant women in Bangladesh to be made aware of their pregnancy and the dangers in the newborn.

With 150 francs:

I enable the continuous training for a nurse in Nepal, so s/he can provide respectful care to pregnant women and their newborns.

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