Your Fundraising Initiatives Are Changing the World! Discover the Projects Launched by Our Donors.
You regularly contact us with generous ideas to raise funds for our association. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and invite you to discover some recent fundraising initiatives. Do not hesitate to contact us to organize your own fundraiser in support of disadvantaged children and mothers!
A Team Marathon, For a Meaningful Team-Building Experience
In 2023, PricewaterhouseCoopers conducted several fundraising projects to support us! The International Development team based in Geneva organized a bake sale in their offices. They also put on their running shoes and participated in the Geneva Marathon wearing Enfants du Monde colors! Nearly 6,000 CHF were raised through these initiatives.
Raising funds by taking on challenges
Young people are getting involved too! For two consecutive years, members of the Voltaire College Students’ Association have organized their V-Event. The concept? Raising funds to support our projects among their peers and taking on challenges for each fundraising milestone reached. Over 5,000 CHF were raised thanks to the students’ ingenuity and their increasingly original challenges!
Partying for a good cause is possible!
Several times in 2023 and 2024, MF Room Zurich organized electronic music nights, with proceeds amounting to nearly 700 CHF being donated to us.
Whatever your idea, we are always happy to support you in launching your project to help disadvantaged children and mothers around the world! Milestone events like weddings or birthdays are also great opportunities to spread your solidarity and make a real impact in the lives of those who need it most.
Contact us at 022 798 88 81 or via info@edm.ch!

My donation makes a difference
I provide a bilingual French and Mooré (local language) school manual to 8 children in Burkina Faso, helping them progress better in school.
I enable 250 pregnant women in Bangladesh to receive preparation for childbirth and awareness of associated risks.
I fund ongoing bilingual education training for 10 teachers in Guatemala, enhancing the quality of their lessons.